20 Easy Instagram-Worthy Recipes You Can Make

6. Smoothie Bowls

Tutorial: https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/fruity-smoothie-bowl/f6c2db6a-7cc4-45c0-8b54-83596e679ca9

Not only are fruit smoothie bowls the perfect breakfast for the start of a day, they are also look pretty incredible. Everyone who sees your photo will definitely have breakfast-envy.

7. Beetroot Soup

Tutorial: https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/beetroot-soup-2/48f8a5c4-1ae2-45bf-a754-aa1fa484952c

The vibrant maroon color of this soup is enough to make anyone stop and ponder. Just a couple of garnishes on top to contrast the brightness, and you have the most photogenic bowl of soup ever!

8. Vegan Space Doughnuts

Tutorial: https://vegandollhouse.com/recipes/chocolate-zucchini-cake/

Who doesn’t love a good doughnut? This extra special, out-of-this-world (get it?) glaze pretty much guarantees you’ll vow your family, friends, and followers!

9. Cloud Eggs

Tutorial: https://www.justataste.com/cloud-eggs-toast-recipe/

Aside from this sunny picture, the concept in itself is a great way to get the attention of fellow social-media lovers, and not to mention the #foodies!

10. Pancakes

Tutorial: https://www.eggs.ca/recipes/fluffy-pancakes

Yup, the trusty pancakes give you extremely good photos. Just imagine that cube of butter slightly melted atop, colorful fresh berries piled high, syrup dripping down the side of a stack of fluffy, golden pancakes. Just thinking about it is making your mouth water, isn’t it?

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