5 Top Tips to Boost Your Metabolism After the Age of 40

4. Drink More Water

Staying hydrated can be the key to your health overall, but it also plays an important role in the prevention of several diseases and conditions – especially as you grow older. Yes, a humble glass of water can do all that and more for your body (and your metabolism). A glass of water half an hour before your meal will make you eat less food, and half an hour after a meal will help in digestion. Dehydration, even at its lowest levels, can cause your metabolism to slump. Ice water will trick your body into burning more calories!

But, don’t just stop there; there are plenty of other foods that contain water and also provide their own benefits to boosting metabolism. For example, coffee has been found to stimulate the nervous system, thereby boosting metabolism. Green tea is another drink you can try which also contains coffee. Fruits and vegetables are also abundant in water, some more than others.

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