6 Ways to Fight Morning Sickness through Home Remedies

5. Plain Carbs

As we already discussed above, bland foods are easier to get down during morning sickness. Foods with heavy fragrances can intensify nausea and vomiting as they can leave a lingering smell long after you’ve eaten them. Plain carbs, such as rice cakes, wheat or rice crackers, sugar-free cereals, etc. are a good choice to have during meal times as they are often fragrance-free and filling.

6. Ginger

Another ingredient that has been used as a natural remedy for nausea since the olden days is ginger. Ginger is so widely accepted that it is even commonly used in commercial over-the-counter nausea medication. But you don’t need to buy any of those, all you need is the real thing!

Of course, ginger supplements can work, but the best way to utilize ginger may be to infuse some fresh into your tea. You can also find it in powdered form. Homemade herbal remedies that feature ginger can also be a great help against morning sickness.

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