8 Classic Cheesy Rom-Com Inspired Moments You Can Have in Real Life

You know those cheesy moments in romantic comedies that have you rolling your eyes when you watch them while you’re single? Fast forward to when you actually have a boyfriend/girlfriend and you’re falling in love, and suddenly, you want to have all those moments with this person that’s making you look like the real-life version of the hearts-for-eyes emoji.

Well, here are some classic rom-com moments that you can have in real life:

1. Dancing/Kissing in the Rain

This is one of the most common romantic comedy tropes, but a logical person would run to take shelter when it starts raining suddenly, right? Well, a person in love has a diminished capacity for logic anyway, so grab your beau and get dancing! Who cares if you look silly, just channel your inner Allie and Noah ala The Notebook!

2. Writing Them a Song

If you’re a musician by profession/hobby, this should be a piece of cake for you. Just imagine how amazing your love will feel when you surprise them with a special song you wrote just for them? But, even those of you who are musically challenged can do this. Your partner won’t care if you’re a lyrical genius. It’ll give them a good laugh and fill their hearts with love – for you!

3. The Titanic Moment

Titanic has a lot or romantic moments, and a fair bit of them quite saucy. Although you’re free to recreate any of those on your own time, we’re talking specifically about the moment where Jack and Rose are standing together with their arms stretched out at the front of the ship. The moon shining down, the wind flowing, your partner pressed up against you as you feel the boat rush through the water… sigh. If you’re ever lucky enough to get on a boat, don’t miss this opportunity!

4. Make Art With Them

The pottery scene from the movie Ghost is one of the most intense romantic moments in rom-com history, and you can have some fun with art with your lover too. It doesn’t even have to be pottery, you can have fun and get creative with them. Laugh and make a mess, you can worry about the cleanup later on. Hey, even cleaning together is fun when you’re blissed out in love.

5. The Spaghetti Slurp

You know what we’re talking about, don’t you? The spaghetti slurp from Lady and the Tramp is one of the most iconic romantic moments ever, and who would have guessed it would have involved two animated dogs? Gives the term puppy love a whole new meaning, don’t you think? But, in real life, this could be you and your partner the next time the two of you sit down for an Italian meal.

6. Love at First Sight

There may be nay-sayers out there, but I believe in love (or at least “like”) at first sight. There are only a few moments in life when something like this happens. When you look up and see a stranger and somehow, there’s a tingle, don’t let the opportunity pass by! Get some courage, go up to them and introduce yourself. Who knows what could come out of it? Maybe they are already in a relationship, maybe the person isn’t very nice, or maybe… you’ll end up really liking each other!

7. The Makeover

How many times have we seen this scene in a romantic comedy where the shy girl or the nerdy guy gets a makeover, and suddenly their love interest sees them in a completely different light? Well, you probably wouldn’t want to be with someone as superficial as that in real life, but it wouldn’t hurt to give your already loving and accepting partner a surprise by getting a makeover.

8. Handwritten Letters

In the age of iPhones, emails, and texting, no one really has the time to sit down and actually write a letter – which is why it could be a super romantic surprise for your partner. The next time you want to do something special for them, instead of spending too much money, surprise them with a handwritten letter telling them how much you love them. If you need inspiration, just watch movies like P.S. I Love You or Letters to Juliet.