Foods You Should Be Eating Before Bedtime

For years, we’ve been told that eating before bedtime is a big no-no. The idea being that food you eat during that time will sit in your stomach throughout the night and therefore make you gain weight. But recently, evidence has been coming out that that’s not true!

In fact, dieticians are now recommending that you eat something light and healthy before bedtime (about 30-60 minutes before actually lying down). They say that this can help steady your blood sugar levels, and provide your body with enough energy to burn fat as well as build muscle while you rest.

Another added benefit to a good bedtime snack is that you are less likely to be kept awake or get up in the middle of the night with sudden hunger cravings. Furthermore, certain types of food can help promote sleep as well. Of course, not all foods are suitable bedtime snacks. The wrong ones can, in fact, keep you up all night, but make the right choice and you’re on your way to a peaceful and productive night of sleep!

Here are 5 such foods that are perfect for having before going to sleep.

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