9 Things You Can Do To Get A Better Night’s Rest

No Technology!

This is probably the most difficult thing for us to do in this era of technology, but it is important that you put away all electronic devices -phones, laptops, tablets, etc.- at least an hour before bedtime. The blue light emitted from these screens disrupts your ability to fall asleep. And by no means should you place your smartphone next to your pillow! Buy yourself an alarm clock, or set the alarm on your phone and place it at a distance (this will also force you to get up to turn it off, meaning you’ll be less likely to hit the snooze button).

Make Smart Food Choices

Having a healthy and balanced diet is good for your health in general, just as it is for your body to go to sleep peacefully. Avoid drinking too many liquids after the evening, even water, and especially no coffee or alcohol! As for food, limit your meals to small portions for dinner and avoid sugary desserts and refined carbs.

Avoid Napping

Sure, napping is great. And when you haven’t had the best night of sleep, you can be tempted to crash for a while as soon as you get home from work. But all this will do is make you repeat the same cycle of sleepless nights, tiredness throughout the day, and restless naps. Try holding out on napping, it’ll be hard at first, but eventually, your body will get used to it and fall into a natural sleep cycle.

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