9 Things You Can Do To Get A Better Night’s Rest

Power Naps

So, we just finished telling you why you shouldn’t sleep during the day, but hear us out. While long and poorly-timed naps can be bad for your sleeping routine, a strategic power nap can also be quite helpful to keep you energized throughout the day. Limit your naps to 15-20, and avoid them in the hours leading up to bed time.


One of the leading causes of sleep issues is stress. We are constantly stressed about work, school, relationships, in today’s high-powered world. But you must try your best to relax and push these thoughts from your head if you are to have a good night’s sleep. Figure out a destressing routine (a long soak in the tub, a good book), or even try some relaxation techniques like deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and etc.


Research indicates that people who exercise regularly have a better chance of getting a good night’s sleep. The more intense your exercise regimen, the more you can ensure better sleeping habits. But not everyone has the time to run to the gym every day. Fortunately, even light and short forms of exercise can provide a lot of benefits. Simple things like a walking the dog, kneading bread dough by hand, and other physically strenuous activities can really help as well.

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